URS GIGER_biografija
Urs Giger, Prof. Dr. med. vet., MS, FVH
Dipl. ACVIM & ECVIM (Interna medicina)
Dipl. ECVCP (Klinička patologija)
Charlotte Newton Sheppard Professor of Medicine
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
3900 Delancey Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6010 USA
Phone 215-898-8830
Email: [email protected]
1977. Fakultet veterinarske medicine Univerzitet u Cirihu, Švajcarska.
1989. Doktorske studije iz oblasti interne veterinarske medicine na Fakultetu veterinarske medicine Univerzitet u Cirihu, Švajcarska.
1990. Specijalističke studije Univerzitet u Pesilvaniji, Filadelfija (SAD).
Radno iskustvo
Od 1987. je zaposlen na Univerzitetu u Pensilvaniji (SAD), kao Šef odeljenja medicinske genetike, a predavač je i na Univerzitetu u Cirihu, Švajcarska. Vodio je Kliniku za pedijatriju i genetiku, metaboličku genetiku i laboratorije za genetičke bolesti (PennGen) Josephine Deubler.
Članstva u udruženjima
Diplomata je Američkog i Evropskog koledža veterinarske interne medicine (ACVIM & ECVIM) i Evropskog koledža za kliničku patologiju (ECVCP). Član je odbora Svetske veterinarske asocijacije za male životinje (WSAVA).
Dobitnik je nagrade Transfusion Medicine Academic Award i Shannon Award od strane NIH; WSAVA International Scientific Lifetime Achievement Award (2002); International Bourgelat Award od strane BSAVA(2007); AVMA Excellence in Feline Research Award za klinička ispitivanja iz oblasti veterinarske medicine kod mačaka (2015).
Oblast istraživanja
Klinička genetika, hematologija i transfuzija kod pasa i mačaka.
U ovim oblastima istraživanja publikovao je preko 220 naučno istraživačkih radova.
Odabrane publikacije
Inal Gultekin G, Raj K, Lehman S, Hillström A, Giger U.: Missense mutation in PFKM associated with muscle-type phosphofructokinase deficiency in the Wachtelhund dog. Molecular Cell Probes Page: epub, 2012.
Seth M, Jackson K,V, Winzelberg S, Giger U: Comparison of gel column, card and cartridge techniques for Dog Erythrocyte Antigen. Am J Vet Res 73: 213–219, 2012.
Inal Gultekin G, Raj K, Foureman P, Lehman S, Manhart K, Abdulmalik O, Giger U.: Erythrocytic pyruvate kinase mutations causing hemolytic anemia, osteosclerosis, and secondary hemochromatosis in dogs. J Vet Intern Med 26(4): 935–944, Jul 2012.
Jolly RD, Hopwood JJ, Marshall NR, Jenkins KS, Thompson DJ, Dittmer KE, Thompson JC, Fedele AO, Raj K, Giger U.: Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI in a Miniature Poodle-type dog caused by a deletion in the arylsulphatase B gene. NZ Vet J 60(3): 183-188, May 2012.
Seth M, Jackson KV, Giger U: Comparison of 5 blood typing methods for the feline AB blood group system. Am J Vet Res 72: 203-9, Feb 2011.
Patterson J, Rousseau A, Kessler RJ, Giger U: In vitro lysis and acute transfusion reactions with hemolysis caused by inappropriate storage of canine red blood cell products. J Vet Intern Med 25: 927-933, 2011.
Clavero S, Bishop DF, Giger U, Haskins ME, Desnick RJ: Feline congenital erythropoietic porphyria: Two homozygous UROS missense mutations cause the enzyme deficiency and porphyrin accumulation. Mol Med 16: 381-8, 2010.
Clavero S, Bishop DF, Haskins ME, Giger U, Kauppinen R, Desnick RJ: Feline acute intermittent porphyria: a phenocopy masquerading as an erythropoietic porphyria due to dominant and recessive hydroxymethylbilane synthase mutations. Hum Mol Genet 19: 584-96, 2010.
Margaritis P, Roy E, Aljamali MN, Downey HD, Giger U, Zhou S, Merricks E, Dillow A, Ezban M, Nichols TC, High KA.: Successful treatment of canine hemophilia by continuous expression of canine FVIIa. Blood 113(16): 3682-9, 2009.
Pontius JU, Mullikin JC, Smith DR; Agencourt Sequencing Team, Lindblad-Toh K, Gnerre S, Clamp M, Chang J, Stephens R, Neelam B, Volfovsky N, Schäffer AA, Agarwala R, Narfström K, Murphy WJ, Giger U, Roca AL, Antunes A, Menotti-Raymond M, Yuhki N, Pecon-Slattery J, Johnson WE, Bourque G, Tesler G; NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, O'Brien SJ: Initial sequence and comparative analysis of the cat genome. Genome Res. 17: 1675-89, 2007.